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Patch 2.2 notes


  • Brewfest has begun and members of the Horde and Alliance can enjoy a multitude of activities, quests, items, and even Ram Racing. As Brewfest is about beer and food, revelers can sample the best beverages available in the world.
  • Hallow’s End: Observed by both the Horde and the Alliance, Hallow's End is the celebration of the break between the Forsaken and the Scourge. Adventurers can speak to innkeepers to get silly masks to wear during their adventures, and much more. This is just one way to celebrate Hallow's End.
    • New Holiday World Event: The Headless Horseman has been seen terrorizing local villages.

World Environment

  • Added a new graveyard to the Southern Barrens.
  • Added a new graveyard to the Western Plaguelands.
  • Added a new graveyard to the Alterac Mountains.
  • Added a new graveyard to the Searing Gorge.
  • Added a new graveyard to the Badlands.
  • Added two new graveyards to Tanaris.
  • Added two new graveyards to Winterspring.
  • Added two new graveyards to Stonetalon.
  • Added two new graveyards to Un'Goro.
New Items (added in 2.2)

New Violet Eye Rewards:
- Flask of Chromatic Wonder
- Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility
- Pattern: Shadowprowler's Chestguard
- Pattern: Cloak of Darkness (Skin)

- New Designs added to the game, see below for their locations.
18sta - Revered Lower City
26heal - Honored Sha'tar
12spellcrit - Revered Sha'tar
24AP - Revered Consortium
14dmg - Revered Consortium
12def - Honored KoT
12crit - Revered KoT

Armor Set Bonuses

Hunter Tier 5
2 Parts: Causes your pet to be healed for 15% of the damage you deal.
Old bonus: Your pet's attacks have a chance to heal your pet for 172 to 198.

Shaman Tier 6
2 Parts: Your Lesser Healing Wave ability costs 10% less mana.
Old bonus: Your Chain Heal ability costs 10% less mana.
4 Parts: Increases the amount healed by your Chain Heal ability by 5%.
Old bonus: Increases the amount healed by your Lesser Healing Wave ability by 5%.


Season 2 Arena
4 Parts: Reduces the casting time of your Fear spell by 0.2 sec.
Old bonus: Reduces the casting time of your Immolate spell by 0.2 sec.

Tier 5
2 Parts: Causes your pet to be healed for 15% of the damage you deal.
Old bonus: Healing spells heal your pet for 30% of the amount that they healed you.
4 Parts: Your Shadowbolt spell hits increase the damage of Corruption by 10% and your Incinerate spell hits increase the damage of Immolate by 10%.
Old bonus: Your shadowbolt spell hits increase the damage of Corruption by 3% and your Incinerate spell hits increase the damage of Immolate by 3%.

Tier 6
2 Parts: Each time one of your Corruption or Immolate spells deals periodic damage, you heal 70 health.
Old bonus: Each time one of your Corruption, Curse of Agony, Immolate, or Unstable Affliction spells deals periodic damage, you heal 35 health.


- Flask of Shadow Fortification changed into Flask of Pure Death
- Flask of Arcane Fortification changed into Flask of Binding Light

- New Flask added in 2.2: Flask of Chromatic Wonder


- Greater Ward of Shielding level requirement changed from 55 to 60.
- Deep Thunder gained +1 agility to his stats.
- Embrace of the Twisting Nether gained 26 attack power.


- AQ enchants available on TBC reputation vendors and the required materials

- Several Enchants got lower mat requirements now

Battlemaster, Soulfrost and Sunfire mats changed
Battlemaster: 8 Void Crystal, 8 Large Prismatic Shard, 2 Primal Water
Soulfrost: 12 Void Crystal, 10 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Primal Water, 6 Primal Shadow
Sunfire: 12 Void Crystal, 10 Large Prismatic Shard, 8 Greater Planar Essence, 6 Primal Fire, 1 Primal Might


- New Designs added to the game, see below for their locations.
18sta - Revered Lower City
26heal - Honored Sha'tar
12spellcrit - Revered Sha'tar
24AP - Revered Consortium
14dmg - Revered Consortium
12def - Honored KoT
12crit - Revered KoT

- Figurine Golden Hare cooldown has been lowered from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.
- Crown of the Sea Witch gained 127 armor.

PvP Items Changes

- Mage Arena Set (season 2) stats were changed.

- Merciless Gladiator's Mooncloth Leggings gains 4 Intellect.

- Merciless Gladiator's Leather Spaulders gains +10 Critical Rating.
- Merciless Gladiator's Left Ripper lost 0.3 speed.
- Ashtongue Talisman of Lethality now works with Kidney Shot.

- Merciless Gladiator's Plate Helm socket bonus changed to strength.
- Merciless Gladiator's Plate Shoulders socket bonus changed to strength.

- Circlet of the Victor lost 2 Healing on Socket Bonus.
- Marshal's Silk Cuffs gained 1 Spell Critical Rating.
- Veteran's Scaled Greaves gained 1 Intellect.
- Veteran's Scaled Belt gained 1 Strength and lost 1 Intellect.

Animation and Skin changes

- New Animation for Blessing of Freedom and Blessing of Protection
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7 December  7 December @ 2010-10-04 23:25:04

When will be released Catalysm?  When will be released Catalysm? @ 2010-01-24 18:39:53

Me too  Me too @ 2008-11-06 02:26:17

Preordered on Amazon allready and I hope they wont let me down  Preordered on Amazon allready and I hope they wont let me down @ 2008-11-06 02:23:29

Just 6 more days to wait....  Just 6 more days to wait.... @ 2008-11-06 02:22:45

Cataclysm pre-order!

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New pet food:

The forge

Mage Tier 5

Warrior Tier 5

Warrior Tier 5 set

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