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Warrior 2.0 Macros 

Credits: Jedroth

weapon swaps (you shift-click your weapon / shield etc into your macro ..)

DW to 2h and back to DW :

/equipslot 16 Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight
/equipslot 17 Qiraji Sacrificial Dagger
/equipslot 16 The Untamed Blade

Shield :

/equipslot 16 Maladath, Runed Blade of the Black Flight
/equipslot 17 Drillborer Disk

stance dances

toggles stances between def and battle stance and if control clicked, it will go to zerker stance.

/cast [modifier:ctrl,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance

Fear Dance think Mag Ony.. will put you into zerker stance, pop zerker rage and then (back) to def stance

/cast [stance:1/2]Berserker Stance;Berserker Rage
/cast [stance:3]Defensive Stance

Overpower: A very simple Overpower macro

/cast [stance:1] Overpower; Battle Stance


/cast [stance:1] Mocking Blow; Battle Stance

/cast [stance:2] Taunt; Defensive Stance

/cast [stance:3] Whirlwind; Berserker Stance

'1 button mashes' (or whats left of them) ;p

Will cast Overpower in Battle stance, Sunder Armor in Defensive, and Whirlwind in Berserker stance

/cast [stance:1] Overpower; [stance:2] Sunder Armor; [stance:3] Whirlwind

Casts overpower then HS (it still works 'cos it is not on the GCD - it is a "on next attack" ability, and that means it can work with Overpower in this macro. same for Cleave...

/cast Overpower(Rank4)
/cast Heroic Strike(Rank9)

Intercept/Charge: It either charges/intercepts, or puts you into the correct stance, another click and you charge/intercept

/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept

or that and then whirlwind and heroic strike!

/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept
/cast Whirlwind
/cast Heroic Strike(Rank 9)

Shield bash or Pummel macro

/cast [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel

Intervene Macro (not tested):
Right now Intervene seems like it would be quite clicky to use… First you have to notice a mob going for a teammate, click that mob, then click the target of the mob (your teammate), then cast the spell. This helps cut that down.

/cast [nostance: 2] Defensive Stance; [help] Intervene; [target=targettarget, help] Intervene;

tanking macro - shield block, revenge and then shield slam (not tested - not prot)

/castsequence reset=5 Shield Block, Revenge, Shield Slam

Jenavi at post 26 says "This does not work very well. /castsequence traps you into having to complete the previous part of the sequence in order to progress. The reset option only works if you do not hit the macro again. If you happen to hit that macro hokey before the end of the 5sec, then the 5sec timer starts again. Testing it on PTR, I often found Revenge and Shield Block available, but was stuck getting rage to get over the Shield Slam hurtle".

I've tested this and it was fine (tho you will get 'ability not ready' spam)- SA needing half the rage..
/castsequence reset=5 Shield Block, Revenge(Rank 6), Sunder Armor(Rank 5)

better IMO to manually sunder to 5, then...
Revenge-Shield Block

/cast Shield Block
/cast Revenge

and then refresh the sunders...

I've found the best way is to combine the revenge/SB macro above with this one

/cast Heroic Strike
/cast Sunder Armor

I use the HS/SA one first to get excellent threat, then the revenge/SB to give good mitigation and threat, adding in the other now and then... ;)

/castrandom makes a great substitue for the older methods of stringing together attacks. You just need to remember that the more abilities you list, the less chance you have of getting the one you want:

/castrandom Devastate, Shield Slam, Whirlwind

change to berserker stance, intercept, and hamstring (only works 'cos charge/intercept do not have a global cooldown)

/cast [stance:3] Intercept; Berserker Stance
/cast [stance:3] Hamstring

if mob not targeting you, you will taunt it (assumes Def stance)

/cast [target=targettargettarget] Taunt

Spell reflect (not tested) If you do not have a shield equipped, it will equip the one you designate. If you have a shield equipped and are in Battle or Defensive Stance, use Spell Reflect. If you have a shield equipped and are in Berserker Stance, it will change to Defensive Stance so that Spell Reflect can be cast.

/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3,equipped:Shields] Defensive Stance
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Elementium Reinforced Bulwark


activating a trinket into a macro?

/use 13
/use 14
(13 = top trinket, 14 = bottom)

self bandage (bandages in bag 1 position 1)

/use [target=player] 1 1

/use [target=player] Heavy Netherweave Bandages

oh crap! button - last stand, HS, then a pot - 1 click each

/castsequence reset=600 Last Stand, Major Healthstone, Major Healing Potion

Lifegiving Gem-Last Stand

/castsequence Lifegiving Gem, Last Stand

Falka's macros 2.0:

In battle stance: charge, then immediately switch to defensive.
In other stances: switch to battle stance.

/cast [stance:1] Charge
/cast [stance:1] Defensive Stance; Battle Stance

In defensive stance: switch to berserker stance.
in berserker stance: intercept, then switch back to defensive stance.

/cast [stance:3] Intercept
/cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance; Berserker Stance

Two keypresses to switch to berserker stance, activate berserker rage, and switch back to defensive:

/cast [stance:3] Berserker Rage
/cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance; Berserker Stance

A version of Tab that only cycles through mobs in (roughly) melee range.

/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 8)
/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 41)

Same as above, but also stops attacks to prevent CC from being broken.

/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 8)
/script SetCVar("targetNearestDistance", 41)

Jenavi's macros 2.0

Since I often have to manage the strategic parts of an encounter, I prefer to make the tactical part as simple as possible.

# 1 - Taunt-MB-CS

1 is Taunt/Def Stance switch. Ctrl-1 is Mocking Blow/Battle Stance switch. Alt-1 is Challenging Shout.

# show Taunt
/cast [modifier:alt] Challenging Shout;[modifier:ctrl,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [modifier:ctrl,stance:1] Mocking Blow; [stance:2] Taunt; [nostance:2] Defensive Stance;

# 2 - Sunder Armor

Plan ole Sunder Armor.
Sunder Armor

# 3 - Dev-SS-HS

3 is Devastate, Shield Slam, and Heroic Strike. Keeps HS queued and uses Devastate and Shield Slam for your supplemental aggro. Ctrl-3 uses Cleave instead of Heroic Strike.

/castrandom Devastate, Shield Slam
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Cleave; Heroic Strike

# 4 - Rev-SB

Revenges when available... attempts to use Shield Block if not.

/cast Revenge
/cast Shield Block

# 5 - Interrupt

Depending on your current equipment loadout, this will Shield Bash if you have shield or switch to Berserker Stance and Pummel if you do not have a shield equipped. Ctrl-5 uses Concussion Blow instead. This can be easily modified to include Spell Reflect in TBC.

/cast [modifier:ctrl] Concussion Blow; [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel

Under or above these buttons, place the unmodified abilities so you can properly monitor their availability, cooldowns, and damage if you use something like Theorycraft. They also make good backups for playing tactically when spamming will not do.

Manually get to five sunders, then you can spam 3 and 4. 1 is your taunt. Ctrl-1 will switch to battle stance and mocking blow. Hit 1 again to go back to defensive stance. Alt-1 is your aoe taunt. 5 is your universal interrupt.

General Use for 2.0

# Fear Dance

First press changes to Berserker Stance. Second press uses Berserker Rage. Third press changes to Defensive Stance. You can remove the "/cast [nostance:2]Defensive Stance" line if you want to manually revert back to our old stance.

# show Berserker Rage
/cast [nostance:3]Berserker Stance;Berserker Rage
/cast [nostance:2]Defensive Stance

# Execute-HS/Cleave

Always attempts to use Execute, but will use Heroic Strike if not available. Ctrl uses Cleave instead of Heroic Strike.

/cast Execute
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Cleave; Heroic Strike

# Overpower

Tried and true Overpower macro. This one forces the hotkey to show the Overpower cooldown.

# show Overpower
/cast [stance:1] Overpower; Battle Stance

# Bash-Pummel

As described in the tanking section.. depending on your current equipment loadout, this will Shield Bash if you have shield or switch to Berserker Stance and Pummel if you do not have a shield equipped. Ctrl uses Concussion Blow instead. This can be easily modified to include Spell Reflect in TBC.

/cast [modifier:ctrl] Concussion Blow; [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel

# Charge-Intercept

Has been gone over in other posts, but here for completeness. This is the new version of the old tried and true Charge-Intercept macro.

/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,stance:3] Intercept

# Lifegiving Gem-Last Stand

This will randomly use either your Lifegiving Gem or Last Stand. This is better than using /castsequence since you can use it successfully for times when you do not have your Lifegiving Gem equipped.

/castrandom Lifegiving Gem, Last Stand

# Quick Equip

A one button version of the quick equip macro. Normal is tank, ctrl is DW, alt is resist shield. You can modify this any number of ways for 2H wep and different button combos.

/equipslot 16 Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker
/equipslot 17 Elementium Reinforced Bulwark
/equipslot [modifier:ctrl] 17 Sickle of Unyielding Strength
/equipslot [modifier:alt] 17 Draconian Deflector

General Use for TBC

# Intervene

One press switches to Defensive Stance if you are not already there. A second press uses Intervene on your current target if it is a target you can actually help. Ctrl transparently targets your current target's target and uses Intervene on them... without switching your target. The ctrl version is meant for blind Intervening, while the normal version is for manual control.

/cast [help, stance:2] Intervene; [modifier:ctrl, target=targettarget, help, stance:2] Intervene; [nostance:2] Defensive Stance;

# Spell Reflect

If you do not have a shield equipped, it will equip the one you designate. If you have a shield equipped and are in Battle or Defensive Stance, use Spell Reflect. If you have a shield equipped and are in Berserker Stance, it will change to Defensive Stance so that Spell Reflect can be cast.

/cast [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection; [stance:3,equipped:Shields] Defensive Stance
/equip [noequipped:Shields] Elementium Reinforced Bulwark


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